Rooigrond highlights women’s wellbeing in the fight against Covid-19


The anticipated spike of Covid-19 cases in the country, and the rise of confirmed cases in the Department of Correctional Services (DCS), has sparked the need for emphasis on wellness and health education amongst staff.

Newly-appointed nurse at Rooigrond, Ms Joyce Lekalake facilitated a series of health and wellness workshops focusing on educating female officials within the management area on different health-related issues pertaining to women. The workshops accommodated four female officials at a time in adherence to social distancing guidelines.

The aim of conducting these workshops was to educate female officials on the impact which underlying women health challenges may have on Covid-19 patients, the importance of regular health screening in order to receive early diagnoses, related interventions and maintaining a clean health profile.

The first sessions looked into sexual health as well as physical and mental health issues.  Lekalake said that it was imperative that staff are aware of underlying comorbidities, including high blood pressure and autoimmune diseases, to assist health professionals to act accordingly in case of contracting Covid-19.


“The presentation emphasized the importance of taking care of our health as women. The presenter elaborated on the risks of female-related illnesses and this really helped us realize the importance of regular check-ups,” said Refilwe Mohulatsi, Employment Assistance Practitioner at Rooigrond.

The workshops also looked into the rise of gender-based violence that has been affecting the country with the killing of women, and how women can take care of their mental health during challenging times. Officials were encouraged to make use of available employee support services when in need and to adopt healthy coping strategies.