National Commissioner welcomes newly appointed senior managers


National Commissioner Mr Arthur Fraser, together with Chief Operations Commissioner (COC) Mr Mandla Mkabela, Regional Commissioners and other members of the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) top management, gathered yesterday, 1 July 2020, to congratulate and welcome newly-appointed Chief Deputy Commissioner (CDC) for Remand Detention Ms Cynthia Khathutshelo Ramulifho as well as Regional Commissioner (RC) for the Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West Region Mr Tlabo Agose Thokolo.


Commissioner Fraser warmly received the new CDC and RC to what he termed “a proud DCS family”. Mr Fraser wished them success in their new roles, and called on the duo to demonstrate servant leadership. He expressed hope that they will expend their energy to contribute toward the growth of the institution, and help the Department to achieve on its promise to the citizenry to deliver the best Correctional Services for a safer South Africa. Emphasising the importance of servant leadership and the huge trust placed on the newly-appointed executives, the National Commissioner cited a quote by Frantz Fanon who said, “Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it, in relative opacity.” He expressed hope that, with their wealth of expertise, the new senior managers will inject the necessary energy towards transformation of the Department.

COC Mkabela called on Ms Ramulifho and Mr Thokolo to use the state power or authority vested in them with due care and responsibility. He said power becomes useless and destructive when it is misused, unused or abused. Ms Ramulifho and Ms Thokolo assumed the reigns on 1 July 2020, amidst a devastating Covid-19 pandemic. Mr Mkabela called on them to use their leadership qualities to inspire hope and nurture officials and inmates, as they navigate through these turbulent times. CDC: Human Resources, Adv Moeketsi Mashibini urged the new executives to serve with dedication and in line with Batho pele principles.


CDC Ramulifho described herself as a transformation agent and pledged to serve with commitment to ensure that the Department’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are realised. RC Thokolo similarly committed to give his utmost best to the LMN region and DCS as a whole throughout his tenure.