Anna Molepo rejoins the DCS family as CDC: Community Corrections


The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) reached yet another milestone on Tuesday (1 September 2020), as it welcomed the new Chief Deputy Commissioner (CDC): Community Corrections (Comcor), Ms Anna Molepo.

Her appointment adds to the value chain in corrections, as the Department has now managed to fill all key apex leadership positions this year. Ms Molepo was welcomed by National Commissioner Arthur Fraser, together with other senior managers in the Department, at a welcoming ceremony at DCS Head Office in Tshwane.


In his welcoming address, National Commissioner Fraser said senior managers have an obligation to provide leadership, hope, demonstrate value, show integrity and, in this way, create role models that are not only needed in the Department but across society. He said, public servants are expected to deliver services diligently, honestly and without compromise and government is challenged because it is seen as dysfunctional, delinquent and corrupt. The National Commissioner highlighted that government officials have an obligation to create a different narrative from within corrections, and ensure that the rest of the public service regains the authority of the State.

CDC: Human Resources, Adv. Moeketsi Mashibini described Molepo as a highly versatile leader, who will be able to add significant value to Community Corrections, and DCS as a whole, especially with her experience and background in Social Work. CDC Molepo joins the DCS family again, after her previous combined 10 years of service in the Department. In the past, she played a significant role in various management positions within DCS including that of Chief Social Worker, Deputy Director Corrections, Director: Strategic Planning and Management as well as Deputy Commissioner: Strategic Planning and Management.

Speaking of the area in which Ms Molepo will function, Mr. Fraser said, “As part of our outlook of corrections to 2068 and beyond, Comcor is the new frontier. It is therefore important to be able to interrogate what that means and what that should look like”. He further shared that his visualisation of 2068 is a space where compliance is not regulated or enforced, but voluntary where we have matured as a society because we understand the parameters.

Chief Operations Commissioner (COC), Mandla Mkabela said he is looking forward to team work. He encouraged leaders to bring the best out of staff and produce other leaders instead of followers, working in unison to build, raise the bar and take the Department forward.


Commissioner Fraser also took the opportunity to honour all DCS staff who passed away during the global Covid-19 pandemic, through observing a moment of silence. He acknowledged that this was a trying time for all, and a dreadful time of uncertainty.

However, through our personal and collective actions, we can continue to minimise the rate of Covid-19 infection across the Department.